Artificial Limbs Community Service Centre


The Artificial Limbs Community Service Centre has been setup by Lions Club Bangalore Kumarapark. A trust has been formed to facilitate its functioning and sustenance

Service - The first objective of the project is to enhance the mobility and quality of life of economically challenged patients who suffer from orthopedic ailment by providing suitable orthotic and prosthetic devices free of cost. 

Research & Development - The second objective is to conduct research and development in the field of artificial limbs so as to bring benefits to the patients in the state of the art artificial limbs at the lowest cost to the donors.

The Building has been setup on a 4150 sft vacant land. A total possible development of 7510sft is envisaged of which 4150 sft has already been built at an estimated cost of 60 lakhs to accomodate a
1. Assembly & Fitment Facility
2. Research and Development Center.

1. Assembly and fitment of high tech artificial limbs and setting up of research and development center

2. Assembly and fitment of Corrective Shoes, Calipers and Braces for upper and lower limbs, Crutches, Collars, Walkers, Traction Sets, Corsets, Wheel Chairs and different types of splints

3. Assembly and fitment of Hi-Tech (“Miracle”) Hand with Sensor 

4. Remedies for Polycentric Knee problems

Goals / Services to be offered

1. Fitting, maintenance and replacement of prosthetic and orthotic devices.
2. Prevention and treatment of avoidable physical disability through prosthetic and orthotic replacement of limbs
3. Supporting and strengthening of the existing orthopedic and trauma services
4. To conduct courses/training for paramedics.
5. To conduct training programs / workshops / seminars / conferences for orthotic and prosthetic management.
6. The trust intends providing free treatment to economically challenged patients
7. The cost of the treatment will be met by donations from philanthropic individuals and corporates. 
8. To build a full-fledged research center with necessary facilities and equipment ; and manned by doctors, medical experts, researchers, scientists, experts and support staff.

Floor Plans 
Ground Floor Plan - 1st Phase completed

First Floor Plan - Proposed in 2nd Phase

Project Cost (in lakhs) 1st phase
Building                                                            60.00
Assembly & Fitment Equipments                    4.5
Furniture & Electrical fittings                            2.500
Raw Materials, WIP & Finished Products      5.00
Total Project Cost                                           71.50

Maintenance Corpus
(to generate revenue to defray personnel honorarium, research
fees, staff salaries and overheads)               28.50

TOTAL FUND REQUIRED                        100.00

Contributions :
- Trustees
- Lions Club
- Friends & Well wishers
- Donations from public
- Donations and sponsorship from Corporate Organizations

Statuatory Recognitions
- The trust is registered under the Income Tax Act,1961 and recognized under section 80 G

- The trust is in the process of being registered with CBDT to obtain benefit under section 35 (1) or (2).

Contact for Donations / Contributions
Lion Sanjay Nadgir,
Chairman Lions Kumarapark Trust

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